Derek Gehl's 4-day Build-a-Biz Video Series to be Launched


Have you sign up for Derek Gehl's notification list that I mentioned in an earlier post to get his Internet business training video course which will be released on April 21?

Just a reminder that there is still time to sign up for this free "Build-a-Biz" video training series If you haven't do so. Here's the sign up link:

In these videos, Derek is going to teach you exactly the steps you need to take to start a money-making e-business in one week time. The video series will cover the follow topics:

  • Find your niche and a product to sell
  • Write salescopy that gets people to BUY
  • Build a website that works!
  • Start driving traffic with PPC and SEO
Derek will show you the tools and strategies he applies to build a website from scratch and then use the website to make money online through the above topics.

Watch these video series and you will learn the whole process of starting an e-business to make money on the Internet.

Free Resources Helpful for Making Money Online - 18 April 2008


The resources below provide good information about making money on the Internet.

Newsletter - Marketing With Melanie
Melanie Mendelson has been successfully making 6-figure income through her online business. She is now releasing her own newsletter and inviting people to subscribe. In the newsletter, she will be sharing the Internet marketing techniques she has used for her online business to make a life-changing income.

StumbleUpon Exposed Guide
StumnleUpon is a great social media website for getting free traffic. This guide will show you the steps you need to take to successfully drive traffic using StumbleUpon and tell you the mistakes you should avoid.
Ken McCarthy is offering some good training materials that you can get access at no cost. These training materials include e-mails, tele-seminars and videos. They will help you start making money online by building a profitable e-business.

What Does It Takes To Be An Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing concept where an online company partners with one or more affiliates for marketing a product or a range of products. The affiliate will be rewarded for referring leads or most often sales to the online company or web merchant. The advantages of becoming an affiliate are you can make money online by selling products or services without needed to pay upfront costs for inventory; all the customer support, order processing and shipping works are handled by your web merchant. All that you have to do is help market the merchant’s products and generate sales for the merchant.

With all the benefits an affiliate can get, you probably become interested to make money with affiliate marketing as well. But then, you may ask: What does it takes to become an affiliate marketer?

Before you start entering the affiliate marketing arena, you must first find out what is your area of interest. What products you are familiar with most and which products you could do the best job of selling? Once you have identified your area of expertise, perseverance, patience and determination comes next. These are the characters you should have to become a successful affiliate marketer.

You also need to know what strengths you have and how you strengths can help in running an affiliate marketing business. And one most important thing is you must possess is a strong desire to achieve success in affiliate marketing.

There will be a lot of things to study. You need to learn the strategies and techniques of marketing affiliate product or service. To gain the necessary affiliate marketing knowledge, you can sign up courses, read e-books and participate in forum discussion.

Website will be your main marketing tool for promoting your affiliate products. So site promotion is the next thing you have to learn. Mastering the effective site promotion methods and apply them on your site will enable you to drive thousands of visitors come to your site and turn these visitors into buyers.

Your affiliate marketing business will be more profitable if you know how to upsell your visitors for expensive services. This will gradually make you become a reliable expert in your field and more people will want to buy the affiliate products you recommended.

Some affiliates think that just by placing affiliate links and ads on their website, they can earn good profits. But this only works for certain niche markets only, for many other niche markets, you wouldn’t be able to achieve success this way. You need to establish a good relationship with your visitors. One effective way to establish relationships with your potential customers and website visitors is by building an email list. Create a newsletter and invite your visitors to sign up your newsletter. This way you can gather their email address and frequently communicate with them to build up a good relationship.

To make the most from affiliate marketing, you need to drive as many targeted visitors to your website as possible. So it is important that you develop a good content based website as people usually don’t purchase directly from a website when on their first visit. They visit website probably for the purpose of searching for useful content and information that they need.