Thank You Google!

In the adsense world your journey is one of milestones. How long until you make your first dollar? Your first $10 day. Your first $100 day and for me lately - when would I hit the $200 adsense earnings in one day. Well that finally happened after two weeks of hovering around the mark... yesterday.

This screenshot shows the combined earnings of my best performing blogs (22) and websites (3). I won't mislead you though as the majority of the income comes from just 3 blogs and even then my top blog brings in almost half the earnings by itself.

My adsense revenue has steadily increased over the past few weeks largely because the effects of the recent Google slap are starting to filter down to the serp's. A lot of people noticed that while they lost pagerank they still held their positions in the search results. This is now starting to change as I have noticed a number of my pages moving up in the results while quite a few of the pages I have been chasing are disappearing from the top listings.

It is only recently that I started using social networks and while I have enjoyed meeting lots of new people online I have noticed that the community as a whole operates from a framework diametrically opposed to me. I blog to make money - the community blogs to gain acceptance, recognition, notoriety and above all readers. The community also complains a lot - usually about not making money and how it's Google's fault for taking away what little income they did make.

I find it ironic that most people want to find an alternative to Google whereas I make money because of Google. My earnings all come from serp traffic - 95% from Google. I love them.

Contrary to popular opinion, adsense is not dead and it just got better. There are less people competing for profitable keywords today than there was two weeks ago. If you know what to do making money from adsense is like a kid in a candy store. I will be outlining my exact methods in upcoming posts for those who want to try their hand at it. I am not selling anything so you don't have to worry if I am legit or not.

Why would I tell you this for free?

Most of you won't actually act on the info.

Those who do act won't be competing with my keywords.

I intend on building up a huge network of trusting readers so that one day I can sell you all a completely useless ebook which will make me so rich that I can finally settle down and develop a celebrity sized drug problem. This will of course get me into one of those posh rehabs where I can live out my final days rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. I know, I know - lofty goals but I think I'm just the man for the job.

Stay Tuned,
