Quick and Easy Money Makers

If you're looking for a few easy ways to make a few bucks from your blog or website then you might consider the following.

Project Payday has an affiliate program that is quite rare. They will pay you for leads as opposed to buyers. Send people to the Project Payday site and if they fill in their name and email you will receive a commission - they don't have to buy anything - they just have to sign up for the mailing list. Commissions start at $1.50 and increases as you send more people. This is about the easiest money you can make as all you really have to do is post your link on your site or better yet write a little blurb about Project Payday and include your link. This costs you zilch and you can make a few bucks in the process.

You can get more info at Project Payday


Time Sensitive Offer

Some of you may be familiar with Russell Brunson. He is another IM Guru who is currently running a week long promo for one of his products. To spur on interest he is giving away a 44 page report called the IM-Myth. You can get the report for free and as usual you will be presented with one of those "one time only offers" that you may or may not want. (I didn't) However whether or not you take the offer you can still sign up to give away the free report and like Project Payday above he will pay you for every free report you give away.

You get $1.00 for each person you get to download the freebie and there is nothing for you to do other than post a link. The offer runs from Oct 3 - 9 so get started now if you are interested.

You can get all the info at Russell Brunson's site.


The Ultimate Supertip

This is the brainchild of Harvey Segal and has been around a while now. This is a simple ebook giveaway that can make you a nice piece of change over time but you will have to cough up 10 bucks to make it work. I have this link plastered over several of my blogs and websites and day in and day out it brings in 10 bucks here and 10 bucks there. The secret is simple - he writes great copy and the free ebook add on or come on sells really really well. The nice thing is that you don't have to do a dam thing as he rebrands the book for you and every time someone buys the up sell you make all the profit. Harvey does ok too as he is amassing a huge list from this campaign and promptly sells more stuff to the traffic you give him.

You can get it here. The Ultimate Supertip

In case you are wondering I make about $30 a day from these links on 300 to 400 visitors so your results will vary depending on how much traffic you get. I will say that Project Payday converts at an astonishing rate of 1 in 3 people who click the link. ie. 1 out of every 3 people who follow the link end up signing up and I get paid. The Ultimate Supertip is more reasonable at about 1 in 20.

Anyhow, just thought I would give you a few of the easiest systems for making small but consistent amounts of cash.

oh... You might want to add a link to WAH or Work at Home Watchdog as well as they have user reviews of all the popular Clickbank products and if people end up buying something on their site you get the commission. You won't make a lot but every sale adds up and it costs you zip.

And while I'm at it... definately sign up with DealDotCom. They are new and I have posted on them previously (Dealdotcom) but they have already earned me a few bucks. I won't go into all the details as you can visit the site to learn more but I want to say that the affiliate system looks to be promising. It cost me nothing to join and I have made $43 in commissions so far. Not bad for a few minutes work setting up the link. They also have some pretty good deals there as well.


You've seen the widget all over the net. Does it create free traffic? So far I would say yes but not an avalanche. My stats show 5 or 6 people a day coming from it which is fine if not overwhelming. My feeling as always is some traffic is better than no traffic so if you haven't signed up yet you may as well. Yes it's free.

You can check them out here. BlogRush

Update: I have ceased using Blogrush - it just doesn't produce quality traffic.

Good Luck
