Some People are Better than Me

I get a lot of emails asking for help and I try and keep up as best as I can. Some emails really irritate me... "tell me how I can make a lot of money fast". These type drive me crazy because they haven't read a thing on here and worse they think that there is some secret to making money online. I usually answer by telling them to go rob a bank.

For those that haven't caught on yet - there is no secret.

On the other hand I do get a lot of questions about things that I can help people with and the other day a really nice woman asked me for some help installing a stat counter.

I told her what to do and after all was said and done I asked her for her URL just to check out her site. She didn't ask me to help promote it and mentioned that she was just starting out and was looking for a way to make some money from home. I have to say that after reading her first post I had tears in my eyes and can't think of anyone I would like to help more than her. I won't mention her name as I didn't ask permission but I think everyone should read her blog.

Please take a moment and visit her site. Adopted Two Teens

That's all for today,
