The AdSense AdVantage - Your Guide to Making Money Online with Google AdSense

The AdSense AdVantage was actually a report written by Matt Callen from last year. It is a case study report on how a person went from zero to $15,691 AdSense revenue by building AdSense sites and promoting them using paid advertising. It outlined everything in step-by-step format where you can follow to start profiting online with AdSense

Few days ago, Matt re-released The AdSense AdVantage with latest updates included in this new edition.

The AdSense Advantage - New Edition

You may have read the original report in 2007, but I think you would be interested to read this new one because there are new strategies, revised 'older methods' that used to work but a year later needed to be changed, Do's and Don'ts, and even a new article series at the end of the report.